Hogs n Hens for Hope is an all day event benefiting the Lazarex Cancer Foundation. The event will be held Saturday, October 17th at the Duplin County Events Center and will run from 10 am-10 pm. There will be events for kids, a barbeque cook-off, a motorcycle ride, craft vendors and live music. Get details of all the events and how to become a sponsor or volunteer at their web site www.lazarex.org or stop by the Wallace Chamber of Commerce office for an information packet. A portion of the proceeds will be given to Duplin General Hospital to be used for cancer screenings for underinsured..
Lazarex’s mission is provide resources for cancer patients who’ve been told they have no other options, but who are not yet done with their journey in life and refuse to give up now.
The Lazarex Cancer Foundation builds a bridge to hope, dignity and life for cancer patients and their families. We provide financial assistance to defray the costs associated with patient participation in FDA clinical trials. Additionally, we help patients navigate their clinical trial options and provide community education and outreach services. We help patients of all ages and walks of life, with all forms of cancer and help patients take advantage of medical breakthroughs today, because they may not have a tomorrow. We believe that the size of a patient's checkbook should not stand between them and the choices they make or the treatments they need. We provide resources to fill the gap that exists between when a patient is told there is no more hope and when they are truly done with their journey in life. The Lazarex Cancer Foundation was formed in 2006 when Dana Dornsife became the president and later created it as an official 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Dana first became involved in cancer patient advocacy when her brother-in-law, Mike Miller, was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in 2003. Mike had three children, the youngest of whom was only four years old.
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