Cycle North Carolina is a recreational mountains-to-the-coast bicycle tour of the Tar heel state. Over 1,000 bicyclists from 44 states and two countries are anticipated! The meeting point in Duplin County will be the Duplin County Events Center in Kenansville. There will be camping available there, but many riders choose to stay in local hotels along the route. The riders and their families and support staff will also be looking for local restaurants to visit, and local shops to explore. The Chambers of Commerce and Duplin County Tourism will be looking for volunteers to help at the Events Center, to direct riders to local restaurants, hotels and shopping both Friday, October 2, and the morning of October 3. Duplin County area restaurants should be prepared with extra staff and extra supplies for meals those days. To volunteer please call Robb Wells, Duplin County Tourism Director at 910-296-2181 and find out how you can help!
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