Creekside Lawn and Garden is decorated for fall and ready for the season with a huge assortment of mums in various colors and sizes. They also have a great variety of shrubs and trees for fall planting. Take a stroll through the grounds and get inspired to make your fall garden beautiful!
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Member Spotlight: Creekside Lawn & Garden
Creekside Lawn and Garden is decorated for fall and ready for the season with a huge assortment of mums in various colors and sizes. They also have a great variety of shrubs and trees for fall planting. Take a stroll through the grounds and get inspired to make your fall garden beautiful!
As many of us have happen, life dreams and career reality don’t always go hand in hand for many years, and Debbie spent many years in a “job”. She was burned out in the job, and her son-in-law, who worked at Johnson Nursery suggested that a three acre plot would make a nice garden nursery. Debbie loved the idea, and she and her husband Nick prayed about it.
Six weeks later, Debbie was going to leave her job early to take her Dad to the doctor, but he was running late. “Miss Kit” Fiedler came into her office to see about being put on the substitute Teacher list. “Miss Kit” owned a lawn and garden business in Chinquapin, but she was selling it. After more prayer, Debbie bought the business. For the first year, “Miss Kit” trained Debbie in running the business side of things, and the art of preparing and timing plantings. Creekside Lawn and Garden now has six part time employees, and Debbie now has three greenhouses. She grows all her own bedding plants, hanging baskets, mixed containers and poinsettias. Growing her own plants allows her to keep her prices low to save
her customers money on quality plants, and allows her to be competitive in the marketplace.
In addition to seasonal annuals and perennials, Jackson & Perkins roses, shrubs, trees and ferns, Creekside Lawn & Garden also does memorial gardens and dish gardens for gifting. They have an assortment of garden décor, and gardening supplies. One their most popular plants, and a local favorite, is the “Macho Fern”, a hardier and larger fern than the traditional Boston Fern.
Debbie loves the early morning peace that tending her plants gives her, and enjoys the blessing of being able to be working at what she loves. The best part of her work now is the people that she gets to meet, the ones that encourage her, and those she is able to encourage.
Stop by Creekside Lawn & Garden and become inspired to grow something beautiful. You’ll find a friendly, knowledgeable staff, and some great plants to make your own!
October Chamber of Commerce Meeting is at Del Rio Restaurant

The October meeting of the Wallace Chamber of Commerce will be held in a new venue- Del Rio Restaurant. We will have a closed off room, and members will have their choice of items from a special lunch menu. There are items that are Del Rio Mexican favorites, and also traditional American items on the menu. Look over the menu items available for the meeting on page 3, and plan to join us Thursday, October 8, at 1:00 p.m. at Del Rio!
Wallace Friends of the Depot Quilt Raffle

The Wallace Friends of the Depot are selling chances to win this beautiful quilt made by the Island Creek Quilters. The quilt was designed by Sandy Gholson and Debra Sproule and the quilt rack, which is included in the prize, was made by Don Gholson. Monies earned from the raffle will be used to buy the materials needed for the depot shed restoration project. All of the labor needed to complete the project is being donated by volunteers. Chances are $5.00 and are available at the Wallace Chamber of Commerce office.
Wallace Chamber of Commerce 50th Anniversary Celebration

Come help us celebrate our 50th Anniversary at the Wallace Chamber Commerce on Saturday, October 3, beginning at 10 a.m. at the Wallace Depot on Railroad Street. The Chamber will be recognizing past Chamber presidents and charter members at 1:00 p.m.. So if you know of someone that falls in either category, contact Lou Powell at the Chamber office so she can put your name on the list of honorees. During its celebration that day, the Chamber will be offering ice cream and cake. Chamber members and prospective Chamber members and guests are encouraged to stop by and say hello and enjoy some refreshments. Don't forget to walk around and enjoy the sights and sounds offered by the Longleaf Arts Guild during their Art at the Depot "Fall into the Arts Day” which will also be held at the depot.
Volunteer for Christmas at Twilight
Christmas at Twilight in Downtown Wallace has always drawn a large crowd as people begin to think about the magic of Christmas. The Wallace Chamber of Commerce hosts the annual event and wants each year to be more memorable than the last.
It takes a lot of volunteers and other individuals willing to help to make this event a success. We need local entertainers, craft, food and business vendors to participate and most of all we need Chamber member support. In the upcoming weeks, someone on our committee will be calling on Chamber members and others asking for sponsorship or how they could volunteer their time.
Believe me when you or your business participates in such an event as this, people will notice! It is wonderful exposure and it shows the community you care, plus it is great family-fun entertainment.
Join the team and get into the spirit of Christmas early! The next Christmas at Twilight meeting will be Thursday, Oct. 8 at 5:30 p.m. at the Wallace Depot. Come or call Lou Powell at the Chamber office (910-285-4044) to tell her how you would like to become involved this year.
Thank you,
Sheila Young President, Wallace Chamber of Commerce
Cycle North Carolina Volunteers Needed

Cycle North Carolina is a recreational mountains-to-the-coast bicycle tour of the Tar heel state. Over 1,000 bicyclists from 44 states and two countries are anticipated! The meeting point in Duplin County will be the Duplin County Events Center in Kenansville. There will be camping available there, but many riders choose to stay in local hotels along the route. The riders and their families and support staff will also be looking for local restaurants to visit, and local shops to explore. The Chambers of Commerce and Duplin County Tourism will be looking for volunteers to help at the Events Center, to direct riders to local restaurants, hotels and shopping both Friday, October 2, and the morning of October 3. Duplin County area restaurants should be prepared with extra staff and extra supplies for meals those days. To volunteer please call Robb Wells, Duplin County Tourism Director at 910-296-2181 and find out how you can help!
Hogs & Hens for Hope

Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Member Spotlight: Four Oaks Bank & Trust

Four Oaks Bank & Trust is a North Carolina based regional bank with 17 branches in eight counties. Regional does not mean small or limited. Four Oaks offers a wide range of personal and business services, including 24/7 mobile banking and all day deposit credits.
For the third consecutive year, Four Oaks Fincorp, Inc. (OTCBB:FOFN), the holding company for Four Oaks Bank & Trust Company, today announced that US Banker magazine has ranked it among the top 200 community banks in the United States based on its 3-year average Return On Equity (ROE).
The Wallace branch has been open since 2002, and offers a full range of business services, Including free business checking, payroll services and merchant bank card processing.
Jeff Hargrove, Vice President and City Executive, says true community banking is the at the heart of the Four Oaks Bank & Trust Mission Statement. Four Oaks bank also offers financial planning and investment services. “Our goal is to help people accomplish their financial goals through our community banking services,” Hargrove said. “We are proud of our history, and look forward to continued growth and partnerships within our community.”
Two members of the Wallace Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors, Maria Likens and Teyaka Pickett are Four Oaks Bank employees. You can always count on them to make themselves available to welcome new members to the Wallace Chamber of Commerce, and to volunteer to help with Chamber of Commerce events. Our thanks to them for their time and commitment to the Chamber of Commerce, and to Jeff and to Four Oaks Bank for allowing them the flexibility to be so involved in the community.
Christmas at Twilight planning meeting September 10

Christmas is coming, the goose is getting fat…
Ok- it’s a little soon for carols- but it’s none too soon to start planning for Christmas at Twilight! Twilight will be held this year on Saturday, November 21. Once again, Sheila Young will co-chair the committee with Rev. Leo Bracken. They are looking for your help in planning and contacting folks as well as volunteers to help on the day of the event. The first planning session will be held Thursday, September 10 at 5:30 p.m. at the Depot Conference Room. If you’ve never volunteered before, let this be the year. You’ll be glad you did!
New Member Spotlight: Wells Pork & Beef

The Chamber is pleased to welcome Well’s Pork & Beef as a new member. Wells has been an integral part of the area’s economy since the 1980s. A business built on family recipes and a commitment to freshness has now grown to 2 locations, Burgaw and Raleigh, with it’s barbeque sauces being sold in many supermarket chains.
One of the biggest parts of the Wells’ business is its catering business. The catering menu is available for groups of 50 or more and offers a full variety of meats and sides. Jennifer Barwick has joined the Wells Pork staff as the Events Coordinator. Mrs. Barwick resides with her family in Duplin County. She will be handling all of the catering arrangements for their customers and potential customers.
The process to arrange for catering is simple, the company has a list of all available items, from breakfast through dinner and dessert. You can tailor the meats and sides to your taste and needs and submit it online for a price quote. Find this and much more on the company’s website or call 910-259-2523.
50th Anniversary Celebration is October 3

Come celebrate with us our 50th Anniversary at the Wallace Chamber Commerce on Saturday, October 3, beginning at 10 a.m. at the Wallace Depot on Railroad Street. The Chamber will be recognizing past Chamber presidents and charter members. So if you know of someone that falls in either category, contact Lou Powell at the Chamber office so she can put your name on the list of honorees. During its celebration that day, the Chamber will be offering ice cream and cake. Chamber members and prospective Chamber members and guests are encouraged to stop by and say hello. Don't forget to walk around and enjoy the sights and sounds offered by the Longleaf Arts Guild during their Art at the Depot "Fall into the Arts Day” which will also be held at the depot.
Hog n Hens for Hope

Hogs n Hens for Hope is an all day event benefiting the Lazarex Cancer Foundation. The event will be held Saturday, October 17th at the Duplin County Events Center and will run from 10 am-10 pm. There will be events for kids, a barbeque cook-off, a motorcycle ride, craft vendors and live music. Get details of all the events and how to become a sponsor or volunteer at their web site or stop by the Wallace Chamber of Commerce office for an information packet. A portion of the proceeds will be given to Duplin General Hospital to be used for cancer screenings for underinsured..
Lazarex’s mission is provide resources for cancer patients who’ve been told they have no other options, but who are not yet done with their journey in life and refuse to give up now.
The Lazarex Cancer Foundation builds a bridge to hope, dignity and life for cancer patients and their families. We provide financial assistance to defray the costs associated with patient participation in FDA clinical trials. Additionally, we help patients navigate their clinical trial options and provide community education and outreach services. We help patients of all ages and walks of life, with all forms of cancer and help patients take advantage of medical breakthroughs today, because they may not have a tomorrow. We believe that the size of a patient's checkbook should not stand between them and the choices they make or the treatments they need. We provide resources to fill the gap that exists between when a patient is told there is no more hope and when they are truly done with their journey in life. The Lazarex Cancer Foundation was formed in 2006 when Dana Dornsife became the president and later created it as an official 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Dana first became involved in cancer patient advocacy when her brother-in-law, Mike Miller, was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in 2003. Mike had three children, the youngest of whom was only four years old.
Cycle North Carolina is coming

Cycle North Carolina is a recreational mountains-to-the-coast bicycle tour of the Tar heel state. Over 1,000 bicyclists from 44 states and two countries participated in the October 2008 tour. CNC expects to have more than 1,100 participants on the 2009 ride scheduled for September 26 to October 3. The 2009 route will begin in Blowing Rock and end in Surf City, with overnight stays in Lenoir, Statesville, Thomasville, Sanford, Dunn and Kenansville. The meeting point in Duplin County will be the Duplin County Events Center is in Kenansville. There will be camping available there, but many riders choose to stay in local hotels along the route. The riders and their families and support staff will also be looking for local restaurants to visit, and local shops to explore. The Chambers of Commerce and Duplin County Tourism will be looking for volunteers to help at the Events Center, to direct riders to local restaurants, hotels and shopping both Friday, October 2, and the morning of October 3. Duplin County area restaurants should be prepared with extra staff and extra supplies for meals those days. The estimated economic impact to the area from this event is $50,000.00-$75,000.00. This is a great opportunity for our county to make new friends with a great many tourists- so pleae call Rob Wells, Duplin County Tourism Director at 910-296-2181, and find out how you can help!
The Wallace Chamber of Commerce President Sheila Young, Lou Powell, Executive Director, and its Board of Directors joined other local dignitaries for the ribbon cutting ceremony that opened the new Walmart. The Walmart Foundation donated $20,000 in grants to local civic organizations as part of the grand opening celebration. The store, which is open 24 hours has doubled the number of employees, and will draw customers from Duplin and neighboring counties.