The Sanctuary Project at old Magnolia Golf Club
171 Country Club Lane
Magnolia NC-28453-8047
The Sanctuary Project is a unique coalition of over 20 State, County and Non-Profit agencies who address the needs of Veterans, Seniors and others in Duplin County. Veterans can obtain help with problems of unemployment, education and health during the day's session. The most attractive part of this coalition is that applicants can reach the right organization for assistance, as they are all present at once.
The Sanctuary Project plans to renovate three existing buildings to provide Veterans services for an Internet Cafeteria; a Lending Library; a Thrift Store with Clothing Bank; a Mechanic's Shop; Accounting Services for tax returns and a Notary Public, all aimed at providing Veterans with services at minimal cost. The Sanctuary Project therefore needs donations of hardware, construction materials and furnishings to achieve this renovation. Please let us know if you know of any Federal, State, University, Hospital or Military organizations that might be upgrading or renovating their facilities and could donate the old equipment and fittings for this Veterans Service Center.
Among other plans The Sanctuary Project expects to address the needs of Veterans through Transitional Housing within the next few months.
Please give Kip Tomkin a call at 910-284-9169 with any questions or suggestions.
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