As president for a second term of the Wallace Chamber of Commerce, 2010 brings about an interesting year — a time of renewal — a hope there will be resurgence in our economy.
I am excited about retaining the same board as last year, and Lou Powell as my wingman. All board members bring years of experience in business, finance and marketing. We will continue to look at new ways to enhance our services.
With your sponsorship and volunteerism, we will continue to offer the things we have in the past
as we strive to make the community a better place to live, work and shop so that economic growth can continue to take place.
I would like to encourage — better yet — challenge business members to serve on various Chamber committees. It will give you the opportunity to volunteer in a way that will promote your business.
As a Chamber organization, our challenge is to work on gaining new members as well as retaining current ones.
*We must build on our strengths. We know that some of the things we are doing work well and we want to enhance those.
*Let’s unite in effective collaboration. Let’s work together to create something great and be the envy of the region!
*Engage technology. If you don’t have a website, get one, start blogging and sign up on Facebook. We must NOT settle on being the small fish in the pond.
*Let’s meet diversity head on; try different things. The only failure is not trying.
Where there is NO challenge, there is NO change.
And finally, let’s tell the rest of the world we’re open for business!
May we all have a prosperous new year!
Sheila C. Young
2010 President
Wallace Chamber of Commerce
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