Saturday, January 30, 2010

A message from the President of the Wallace Chamber of Commerce

As president for a second term of the Wallace Chamber of Commerce, 2010 brings about an interesting year — a time of renewal — a hope there will be resurgence in our economy.

I am excited about retaining the same board as last year, and Lou Powell as my wingman. All board members bring years of experience in business, finance and marketing. We will continue to look at new ways to enhance our services.

With your sponsorship and volunteerism, we will continue to offer the things we have in the past
as we strive to make the community a better place to live, work and shop so that economic growth can continue to take place.

I would like to encourage — better yet — challenge business members to serve on various Chamber committees. It will give you the opportunity to volunteer in a way that will promote your business.

As a Chamber organization, our challenge is to work on gaining new members as well as retaining current ones.

*We must build on our strengths. We know that some of the things we are doing work well and we want to enhance those.

*Let’s unite in effective collaboration. Let’s work together to create something great and be the envy of the region!

*Engage technology. If you don’t have a website, get one, start blogging and sign up on Facebook. We must NOT settle on being the small fish in the pond.

*Let’s meet diversity head on; try different things. The only failure is not trying.

Where there is NO challenge, there is NO change.

And finally, let’s tell the rest of the world we’re open for business!

May we all have a prosperous new year!

Sheila C. Young

2010 President

Wallace Chamber of Commerce

New Member Spotlight: Kelly Chiropractic

Dr. Chad Kelly

Dr. Mike Kelly
The Kelly Brothers have brought their special brand of elite Chiropractic Health Services and unmatched, extraordinary customer care to Wallace! Dr. Chad visited North Carolina and was impressed with the area, the people, the climate, the quality of life. He moved to Clinton, NC and opened his first practice there nearly twelve years ago. He was relentless in wanting his brother, Dr. Mike ( a successful practitioner in Las Vegas, NV) to come and visit…and relocate with him. Dr. Mike came, saw, moved to Wilson, NC and opened his practice ten years ago. The Kelly brothers are proud to announce that they have recently expanded their practice to include their new Wallace office. The Doctors offer a full range of Chiropractic services, therapeutic massage treatment, nutritional guidance and specific treatment for traumatic, acute injuries such as motor vehicle injuries and sports injuries. Throughout their careers, Dr. Chad and Dr. Mike have worked with professional athletes and Olympic athletes, as well as some of today’s biggest Rock Stars and Hollywood actors to help them maintain their high level of performance. Dr. Mike and Dr. Chad look forward to helping the residents of Duplin County lead healthy, happy and pain free lives. Their Wallace office is located at 112 Medical Village Drive. Their Clinton office is located in Jordan Plaza near Mathew’s Gifts and their Wilson office is located near Parkwood Mall. Call Them today at 910-285-9002.

2010 Member Directory available now

Wallace Chamber of Commerce

2010 Member Directory

We are pleased to present the 2010 Wallace Chamber of Commerce Member Directory. The publication is a beautiful slick, glossy booklet, professionally presented and printed to show off our members in the best light possible. The directory is a great tool for the Chamber to use to fulfill requests from individuals and businesses who are looking for resources in Wallace. The Directory will be included in information packages to both people moving into Wallace and companies looking to locate their business here.

Copies are available at the Wallace Chamber of Commerce office during business hours, and we encourage you to have copies available for your own use and to give to your customers to further promote our member businesses.

Our thanks to all the businesses who advertised in the directory, making the publication possible, and to Ben Kiesinger and the staff at Advermarket Corp. for the excellent product they produced for us.

Pet Friends of Duplin County

Dear Pet Friends Members and Supporters,
We invite you to renew or begin a membership with us to help the pets of Duplin County.
Basic Membership is $10.00, Bronze - $25.00, Silver - $50.00, Gold $100.00. If you have made a donation within the past 3 months, it is not necessary to renew, your membership will continue through 2010. Please mail your tax deductible membership donation to : PFDC PO Box 152 Wallace, NC 26466 or renew online at
In 2009, we rescued over 200 dogs and cats, visited 4 schools, issued more than 250 low cost spay/neuter certificates, participated in 2 free Rabies clinics, fostered several dogs and cats which were placed in loving "forever" homes and so much more. Won't you please help us continue to help the pets of Duplin County? We have amazing plans for2010 but we need your help.
In addition to our rescue, foster spay neuter transport, education and other activities, here are some upcoming events to remember:
1. The "Adopt a Cot" program, through Pet Finders and PFDC, will allow you to donate a chew proof Kuranda dog bed that we will give to the Duplin County Animal Control Facility so the dogs can stay above the cold wet concrete floor. Send a check for $52.95 to the PFDC and we will order one in your name.
2. Miss Gracie Dog and Cat will bring the education team to Wallace Elementary third grades next then on to other schools.
3. The PFDC will participate in the Pet Expo. at the Schwartz Center on February 21, 2010 in Wilmington.
4. On April 17, 2010 we host our 2nd 5K Fun Run and 3K Pet Walk at Beautiful River Landing, Wallace.
5. We meet the fourth Tuesday of the month. The next meeting is January 26, 2010 at the American Legion Hall in Wallace at 7:00 p.m. Please come and bring a friend.
Thank you for your continued support,
Helen D. Glass
PFDC President

Lunch & Learn about Social Networking

The James Sprunt Community College Small Business Center is partnering with the Wallace Chamber of Commerce to present a “Lunch and Learn” Seminar at the Mad Boar on Wednesday, February 24, from 12:00-1:15 p.m. The lunch will be ordered from the Mad Boar menu, and is Dutch Treat. You must RSVP/reserve a seat, by calling JSCC at 296-2430 or email An in depth session will follow from 1:30-3:30 p.m.

This is the second of a series of three seminars called “Social Media for Business ”. The January seminar was co-sponsored by the Kenansville Area Chamber of Commerce, and covered “Facebook for Businesses”. In February, the topic is “Blogging and Twittering for Businesses”. The class will focus on how to effectively use blogs, and the proper use of Twitter in relationship to blogs and Facebook for businesses.

In March, the topic is “Free Web Resources to Reach Customers” with guest speaker Martin Brossman from Raleigh. The March session will be co-sponsored by the Warsaw Chamber of Commerce and will be held at the National Guard Armory in Warsaw.

***Look for additional information on the February 24 Session. Scheduled topic may be revised to include Facebook.

JSCC February Small Business Seminars

“Entrepreneur Academy” 2010

James Sprunt Community College Small Business Center 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm each session

How to Market & Advertise Your Business – Tuesday, February 2 – Boyette Bldg. SBC Conf. Room This seminar helps the small business owner develop an effective marketing program. Learn how to reach your target market with effective promotions, advertising, direct mail, telemarketing, Internet, personal selling, and public relations.
Tax Reporting Requirements for Small Businesses – Tuesday, February 9 – Boyette Bldg. Room 113 This seminar will help small business owners with basic state and federal tax issues that arise in everyday business activity.
Record Keeping for Small Businesses – Tuesday, February 16 – Boyette Bldg. Room 113 This seminar will cover the basics of keeping complete and accurate records to manage the balance sheet, income statement, and cash flow of the business.
Certificate Requirements: Participants who attend all six sessions will receive a Certificate of Completion. Participants who are not interested in receiving a certificate are also welcome to attend. To reserve a seat in these workshops, call the James Sprunt Community College Small Business Center at 910-296-2430 or

“Going Green” Seminar Series 2010

6:00 – 9:00 pm each session Boyette Building, Room 113 each session

“Going green” – What does it all mean? These sessions are designed to give an introduction to businesses and individuals on how to make your business, home and community more “green,” and what the benefits of these actions might be.
Weatherization Tax Incentives and Energy Audits in the “Green” Economy – Tuesday, February 23 - This session will provide an overview of the weatherization tax credits, and how you may be able to apply them to your business and/or home. You will also learn how to conduct an energy audit of your home or business to determine how to make “going green” save you money!!
Certificate Requirements: Participants who attend all three sessions will receive a Certificate of Completion. Participants who are not interested in receiving a certificate are also welcome to attend. To reserve a seat in these workshops, call the James Sprunt Community College Small Business Center at 910-296-2430 or

Friday, January 1, 2010

Make plans for the Banquet!

Make your plans now to attend the Wallace Chamber of Commerce & Wallace 100 Committee Annual Banquet which is scheduled for Tuesday, January 12, 2010 at 6:30 p.m. The Banquet will be held in the Celtic Court Banquet Room at the Mad Boar.

We will be presenting the Harry “Toots” Carlton award to this year’s deserving recipient - Thomas Townsend. Join us in recognizing the service and contributions Thomas has given to our town. The evening will include the induction of the new members of both Boards of Directors and entertainment.

Tickets are available at local banks, from Michael Blackburn or Wade Farrior of the Wallace 100 Committee, and at the Chamber of Commerce office during business hours. The cost again this year is $30. Please call Lou Powell at 910-285-4044 with any questions or for more information. Please join us for this great evening as we celebrate our 2009 accomplishments and look forward to making 2010 a great year.

Harry "Toots" Carlton Award Winner

The Harry “Toots” Carlton Award was established by three civic organizations in recognition and tribute to one of Wallace’s finest civic leaders.
The Community Service Award is given to a truly outstanding citizen who has exhibited leadership, participation, vision and a commitment of excellence to the Town of Wallace. The recipient is one who has worked tirelessly to make the Town of Wallace and its surrounding community a better place to live, work and play.
Thomas Townsend, a long-time resident of Wallace, has been chosen as this year’s recipient. Townsend is married to Sandra Worsley Townsend. He has two daughters Jean Campbell and Susanne Carter and numerous grandchildren and several great-grandchildren.
Townsend is known best known for his service as a fire chief. Despite all his civic duties, he does have a day job. He and his brother Ellis Townsend own and operate Townsend’s Auto Parts store on Main Street, Wallace.
Townsend has served on various civic committees. The most recent one near and dear to his heart was the restoration of the Wallace Depot. He continues to serve on the Depot Commission.
Courtesy of the Wallace Enterprise and Sheila Young

2010 Board of Directors

Wallace Chamber of Commerce

2010 Board of Directors

We are fortunate to have all of our Board of Directors returning for another term this year. They are a dedicated group, and have worked hard to make all of our events and fundraisers a success. Please take a moment to thank them for their time an efforts to make the Wallace Chamber of Commerce a vital part of our community.

President-Sheila Young

First Vice President- Frank Brinkley

Second Vice President- Hugh Caison

Treasurer- Missy Wells

Executive Director- Lou Powell

Golf Chair- Kevin Hager

Bookkeeper- Jim Cavender, CPA

Board Members: The Reverend Leo Bracken, Davis Carr, Maria Likens, Laura Maready, Teyaka Pickett, Scot Brennan

Put your business face(book) on

I ignored the facebook buzz for months, assuming it was a dumb kid thing, or another Myspace type site to stay away from. The first time I really looked at it was after Rob Wells brought it up last year at a chamber meeting, but that still didn’t convince me to pay it any attention. Shamefully, I have to admit that what finally made me sign into it was wanting a farm on Farmtown like my co-worker had.

Facebook gives you a mini web presence for yourself and your business and allows you to connect with friends, other people in the community or people with similar interests. Information you share is posted immediately on your friend’s and fan’s news feeds. You can post pictures of new arrivals, remind people of sale dates, and link to merchandise sites or to your web site to give people more information.

Once I found my way around the site, the potential as a local business tool became obvious. Facebook allows you to create a page for your business and share news about your business with fans immediately- and at no cost. It won’t replace other forms of advertising, but it can be used with it to reach people you might miss with an ad, or to remind people of sales you are running, or to create an immediate interest in a new item.

There are a good number of Wallace businesses that have a facebook page. BrandSource, One Peacock Place, Art of Hope, Fancy Farmer, Farrior’s, Peek-a-BooTique, Willa’s Florist & Gifts, Polka Dot Zebra, Butter Box, Riverside Antiques Barn, The Duplin Times, Johnson Realty and Dunn Realty all have pages where they post specials and news about new merchandise or listings. Farrior’s and several other stores have a fanbox which updates their facebook postings on their web site, so the most current sales information is always updated. To get all the listings from one source, Discover Downtown Wallace is also on facebook, and posts from any Wallace business are posted through it. The fanboxes for several businesses also have live feeds on the Discover Downtown Wallace blog for those viewers who haven’t made the leap to facebook.

No discussion of facebook can be had without the warnings though. There is a potential for computer viruses- so only add people you know as “friends”. Stay away from video links, no matter how enticing they look, as it is a favorite virus delivery method. Use the privacy settings to control who sees your information and to control the flood of junk postings when someone gets a high score in a game.

Look at what the other local businesses are doing with the site, and see if you think it can work for yours. You’ll be surprised at how many Wallace folks you’ll find on facebook to add as friends, and how many will become a fan of your business. Once you set up your site, don’t forget to use it! It takes less than ten minutes to post a new comment, so try to do that at least once a week.

If you take the leap, and join the facebook community, don’t forget to add me as a friend, and let me know your business has a page. I’m abandoning the farm at New Year’s, so keep me busy! Marlane Carcopo

2009 Wallace Christmas Parade

Our thanks to all the sponsors, participants and spectators at the 2009 Wallace Christmas Parade. The event was a huge success again this year thanks to all of you!