Sunday, May 2, 2010
New Member Spotlight; Duplin Wine Cellars
We all know some or all of the story of Duplin Winery, we know that David and Dan Fussell turned to grapes as an alternative to tobacco farming, and that they fought an uphill battle to establish the winery. We know the discovery of the impact of resveritrol on heart health, and the high resveritrol content of Duplin Winery’s Muscadine wines is partly why it is so popular. We know how good a glass of Carolina Red or Christmas Wine can be, and that both the wonderful wines and the company have been award winners in the past several years.
Started in 1972, and bottling its first wine in 1975, the winery has now grown to be a major employer in Duplin County including agricultural positions, wine production, Nutragrape production and sales, The Bistro Restaurant, winery tours and gift shop personnel, entertainment casts, administrative and marketing personnel, and soon, the construction and administrative staff for David Fussell’s next venture, The Village at Duplin Winery, a multi use space at I-40 Exit 380. The Village at Duplin Winery is a mixed use space that will include a second winery location, several shop and restaurant spaces, a chapel and a garden area. David ’s concept for the project includes attributes that will benefit the local community as well as tourists. It is no doubt that Duplin Winery
is the number one tourist attraction in Duplin County, nor is there any doubt that they will continue to impact our economy by creating additional jobs and continuing to bring additional tourist dollars to the region.
What is the Sanctuary Project?

The Sanctuary Project at the old Magnolia Golf Club
171 Country Club Lane
Magnolia NC-28453-8047
The Sanctuary Project is a unique coalition of over 20 State, County and Non-Profit agencies who address the needs of Veterans, Seniors and others in need in Duplin County.
One of the most needed facets of the Sanctuary Project is the creation of a Duplin County Food Bank. The Food Bank is now operational and open three days a week. The hours of operation for the Veterans Food Bank are Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. The Monday distribution is limited to eligible veterans only. The Wednesday and Friday distributions are also available to eligible Senior Citizens and non- veteran recipients, and are limited to once per week per family. To become eligible to become a Food Bank recipient, participants must complete the Sanctuary Project Food Bank Application and Waiver Forms PRIOR to collection-without exception. Photo ID is required. Please consider making the Sanctuary Project the recipient of your organizations next food drive.
Tid Bits
*Four Oaks Bank on East Main Street in Wallace will be holding its annual Hot Dog day appreciation celebration on May 28, 2010. Look for more information on the Chamber of Commerce Website.
*Del Rio Restaurant now has outdoor dining.
*JD Teachey has leased the Biney’s storefront on W. Main St. to First Med ambulance service.
No Monthly Membership meeting in May
Because the Wallace Chamber of Commerce Annual Golf Classic will be held May 7, 2010, there will not be a May Monthly Meeting. Look for information on the June meeting on the Wallace Chamber of Commerce website and in the June newsletter. We are in the planning stages of a “Chamber After Hours’ event .
Quilt Drawing is May 8, 2010

The drawing for the Wallace Depot quilt will be held during the Hot Dog Social being held May 8, 2010, from 12:00 noon til 2:00 P.M. at the Wallace Depot. The event is sponsored by the Friends of the Depot. The handmade quilt was designed by Sandy Gholson and Debra Sproule and made by the Island Creek Quilters. Included with the quilt is a handmade quilt rack. Tickets are $5, and are available at the Wallace Chamber of Commerce office during business hours.